How do I teach my kids Arabic?

How do I teach my kids Arabic? 

In this article we will reveal our tips to help you to teach Arabic language to your child more easily.
  1. 1- Talk to them early…
  2. 2- It’s difficult at the beginning.
  3. 3- Read stories in Arabic !
  4. 4- Listen to Arabic Music.
  5. 5- Play in Arabic!
  6. 6- Watch videos in Arabic!

How can I make my Arabic class fun? 

Set Fun Goals
  1. Learning all the vocabulary about their favorite sport or game.
  2. Learning region-specific words used by characters in their favorite books or movies.
  3. Watching a video every day that teaches new Arabic words and phrases.
  4. Singing along with their favorite song perfectly.
  5. Winning a word game in Arabic.

Can a kid learn Arabic? Both adults and children can benefit from learning Arabic. The good thing is that no one is too young or too old to learn it.

What is the easiest way to learn Arabic? Read texts in Arabic: The best way to learn Arabic is to read in the original language. The more you read in the new language, the more your brain will get accustomed to the sounds and turns of phrases. It will start to know how the words work with one another.

Why is Arabic so easy?

Roots make learning Arabic vocabulary much easier

One of the defining aspects of languages like Arabic (and other Semitic languages) is that most of its vocab can be derived from 3-letter roots/stems. There are some 2 and 4 letter stems too but most have 3.

What is the hardest language to learn?

1. Mandarin Chinese. Interestingly, the hardest language to learn is also the most widely spoken native language in the world. Mandarin Chinese is challenging for a number of reasons.

How can I learn Arabic by myself?

It will take hard work, dedication, and time, but it’s certainly achievable.
  1. Decide which form of Arabic you want to learn. There are many types of Arabic.
  2. Start with the basics.
  3. Learn to use the Arabic dictionary.
  4. Immerse yourself in study and practice.
  5. Speak the language.
  6. Never stop learning.

How long would it take to learn Arabic?

According to the Foreign Service Institute (where U.S. diplomats go to get language training), your average English native speaker needs approximately 2,200 hours to get to an advanced level in Arabic. 2,200 hours!

Is Arabic on Duolingo good?

Duolingo Arabic offers Modern Standard Arabic and seems to do a fairly accurate job in terms of grammar (I haven’t encountered any errors yet in the translations personally). It might serve you well to get you acquainted but there are better ways to spend your study time.

How should a beginner read Arabic?

How do you write Z in Arabic?

Please, I need the Arabic equivalent of the English alphabet. Is it correct to say A = أ, B = ب d= د .. etc?

Arabic translation: If I understood the question right, it is as follows.

Summary of answers provided
1 أ,ب,ت,ث ج,ح,خ,د,ذ,ر,ز,س,ش,ص,ض,ط,ظ,ع,غ,ف,ق,ك,ل,م,ن,هـ,و,ي Shazly

Can you learn Arabic in 6 months?

So to put things into perspective, say if you spend 2 hours a day for Arabic (this is the total time you spend for the language and can include activities like reviewing grammar, practicing with a native speaker / tutor, listening to the language, reviewing vocabulary etc) you can achieve level 2-2+ in just 6 months.

What is Arabic alphabet called?

Arabic Doesn’t Actually Have an Alphabet

Instead, the system is called “abjad” or consonantal alphabet. For English speakers, reading and writing without vowels seems impossible, but it’s something common among Semitic languages – such as Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic or Maltese.

What is the longest Arabic word?

The actual longest word in Arabic is أفاستسقيناكموها (‘afastasqaynakumuha, “did we ask you to give it to us to drink”), which is a 15 letter word.

Which language is the richest?

Arabic might be considered the richest language in words based on its complexity. According to The National – the United Arab Emirates’ leading English-speaking news outlet – on average, a single written word in Arabic has three meanings, seven pronunciations and 12 interpretations.

How do you say 7 in Arabic?

7 is a special “h” sound. It is pronounced far deeper in the throat the normal “h”. 9 is the emphatic “s” sound.


  1. L kalime(tu) huna’k(a)
  2. L kita’b(u) huna’k(a)
  3. L kursiy(yu) huna’k(a)
  4. L madrase(tu) huna’k(a)
  5. L mu3allim(u) huna’k(a)
  6. L~tilmi’d'(u) huna’k(a)
  7. L qalam(u) huna’k(a)
  8. L ma77a’ye(tu) huna’k(a)

What does 0 mean in Arabic?

0 (٠) (ṣifr) صفر 1 (١) (wāḥid) واحد m – (awwal) اول

Does E exist in Arabic?

The vowel “e” as in electronic, does not exist, however, the letter that that exists in Standard Arabic is ي and it’s pronounced as “ee” like meet, and there is the short “i” sound too.

How is Z pronounced in Arabic?

What is zai in Arabic?

Zai is the eleventh letter in the Arabic alphabet. This letter symbolizes phoneme / z /. Zai adalah huruf kesebelas dalam abjad Arab. Huruf ini melambangkan fonem /z/.

What are the 29 letters in Arabic?

Arabic Alphabet Chart
bā̛ ب tā̛ ت thā̛ ث jim ج hā̛ ح khā̛ خ dāl د Zāl ذ rā̛ ر Zāy ز
sin س shin ش sād ص dād ض tā̛ ط ẓā̛ ظ
عain ع ghain غ fā̛ ف qāf ق nun ن

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