How can I make my math grade 1 fun?

How can I make my math grade 1 fun? 

Keep reading to find some of the best ways to make math fun and help your students build a love of learning!
  1. Math games.
  2. Visual aids and picture books.
  3. Using modern technology.
  4. Take a hands-on approach.
  5. Encourage communication with students and parents.
  6. Focus on your students.
  7. Stick to fixed routines.
  8. Use real objects.

What should 1st graders be learning in math? 

In first grade, you can expect your child to learn about:
  • Addition and subtraction facts to 20.
  • Addition and subtraction as inverse operations.
  • Count and write within 120.
  • Add within 100.
  • Measure objects.
  • Tell time to hour and half hour.
  • Understand basic fractions.

What are some fun math activities? 

Fun Math Activities for Elementary and Middle School Students
  • Play Math Tic-Tac-Toe.
  • Try the Exponent Battle Card Game.
  • Explore math with Minecraft.
  • Tackle Fantasy Football Equations.
  • Roll Into a Subtraction Dice Game.
  • Slice Some Sandwich Fractions.
  • Play Math Jeopardy.
  • Pull Off an Order of Operations Heist.

What are the activities for Grade 1? 

50 classroom activities for 1st grade
  • Create a digital greeting.
  • Create a scratch art picture.
  • Learn about artist Piet Mondrian and color in his style.
  • Read a story and compare yourself to the main character.
  • Create a collage.
  • Explore antonyms.
  • Go on a shape hunt.
  • Make a wish.

How do you teach a Grade 1 learner?

Create a Classroom Community
  1. Start the day with Morning Meeting.
  2. Establish a culture of kindness.
  3. Teach citizenship.
  4. Teach the difference between reporting and tattling.
  5. Assign jobs.
  6. Read stories that build your students’ social-emotional skills.

What every first grade teacher should know?

  • Arranging a circle, desks, and tables.
  • Choosing and storing supplies.
  • Scheduling a child-centered day and teaching daily routines.
  • Planning special projects and field trips that maximize learning and build community.

What are the different learning activities?

Whether your classes are in person, online or somewhere in between, here are 15 active learning activities to try with your students this semester.
  • Think-pair-repair.
  • Improv games.
  • Brainwriting.
  • Jigsaw.
  • Concept mapping.
  • The one-minute paper.
  • Real-time reactions.
  • Chain notes.

What activities are suitable for 6?

101 awesome activities for kids ages 5 to 8
  • Make a batch of homemade play dough.
  • Go on a nature walk and collect leaves or rocks.
  • Move the furniture around so your little gymnast can practice their tumbles.
  • Play “Go Fish.”
  • Make a fort out of blankets and pillows.
  • Plant flowers in the garden.
  • Camp out in the backyard.

What should I teach my first grader in English?

By the end of the school year, a first grader should be able to:
  • Form letters correctly with a pencil.
  • Spell grade-appropriate words correctly.
  • Understand basic sentence structure.
  • Understand the rules of capitalization.
  • Know how to end a sentence with the appropriate punctuation.
  • Write a sentence for a specific purpose.

How do you teach English reading to grade 1?

Expert Tips to Boost Reading Skills in Grades 1-2
  1. Focus on the Funny. Children look for humor in their books before all other characteristics.
  2. Play With Words.
  3. Be a Reading Role Model.
  4. Follow Your Child’s Heart.
  5. Help Them Get the Picture (Book)
  6. Embrace the Power of Choice.
  7. Sing Your Child’s Praises.

How many minutes a day should a first grader read?

A first grader should read about 10 minutes a day Monday-Friday. This is a reasonable amount of time. 20-minutes may be too much for a struggling reader. Since reading can be a source of conflict, it’s easy to put off long reading sessions day after day…and ultimately never get to them.

How do you teach a child that doesn’t want to learn?

9 Tips for When a Child Doesn’t Want to Study
  1. Acceptance Before Expectations.
  2. Look Out Of Their Interests.
  3. Encourage Their Curiosity.
  4. De-Emphasize School.
  5. Make Studying Enjoyable.
  6. Learning Together.
  7. Minimize distractions.
  8. Stay Positive.

How do you teach a struggling first grader to read?

Try using reading apps such as Readability which acts like a private reading tutor for your child. They can get reading help whenever and wherever they need it! Get them to write – Reading and writing are closely related language skills. Often, good readers make good writers, and good writers make good readers.

How many sight words should a 1st grader know?

A good goal, according to child literacy expert Timothy Shanahan, is that children should master 20 sight words by the end of Kindergarten and 100 sight words by the end of First Grade.

What level of reading should a 1st grader be at?

A first grader should be at a reading level between 3 to 12. Higher reading levels indicate that they’re near the top of their class, but there’s always room for growth. In some cases, your child might fall below or rise above the range. Practice and proper tutoring will improve their reading level.

What are the 5 reading strategies?

There are 5 separate strategies that together form the High 5 Reading Strategy.
  • Activating background knowledge. Research has shown that better comprehension occurs when students are engaged in activities that bridge their old knowledge with the new.
  • Questioning.
  • Analyzing text structure.
  • Visualization.
  • Summarizing.

How can I help my child who is struggling to read?

How to Help a Child Struggling With Reading
  1. Don’t wait to get your child reading help she’s behind.
  2. Try to read to your child for a few minutes daily.
  3. Help your child choose books at her reading level.
  4. Consider checking out books on tape.
  5. Create a reader-friendly home by monitoring screen-time.

How do you help a struggling student in the classroom?

Five principles for supporting struggling learners
  1. Know individual students. Effective teachers know their students.
  2. Plan according to the developmental levels of students.
  3. Model instruction and follow up with students.
  4. Assess students throughout the lesson.
  5. Provide consistent one-on-one or small group interventions.

How can I improve my child’s reading?

Try these 7 effective ways to increase your child’s reading skills.
  1. Establish a regular reading routine.
  2. Encourage your child to read on a regular basis.
  3. Help your reluctant reader to find books that they love.
  4. Use reading examples outside of books.
  5. Stay involved in your child’s reading education.
  6. Never give up on your child.

Should my 6 year old be reading?

At age 6, most first-graders can: Read and retell familiar stories. Use a variety of ways to help with reading a story such as re-reading, predicting what will happen, asking questions, or using visual cues or pictures. Decide on their own to use reading and writing for different purposes.

What is the best program to teach reading?

7 Best Programs to Help You Teach Your Child to Read
  • Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons.
  • Reading Eggs.
  • Teach Your Monster to Read.
  • The Reading Lesson.
  • Bob Books.
  • Phonics Pathways.
  • Sing, Spell, Read, and Write.
  • 50 reactions.

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